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Why Take A Photograph?

It really is nice to find some time to sit down and delve in to another blog post today. It has been a very busy couple of months on a personal level, my brother was married, my dearly loved grandfather passed away, the children have been constantly coming down with a myriad of cold and flu bugs that have been doing the rounds at my eldest's daycare facility (sigh). I thankfully have managed to avoid most of those nasty colds as I keep up to date with my flu vaccination each year.

My husband is home for the weekend after working away and while he has the kids occupied I set myself a task to go through all of the kids photographs that I had taken throughout the year and put them in to albums for printing. I figured that it was only this year's personal images that I needed to catch up on, but I was definitely shocked to discover that I hadn't really done any personal editing and archiving since March 2016! Whoa... which was my youngest's first birthday I might add.

Realizing how long it had been got me wondering why I was taking all of these photographs of my boys when I had neglected to do anything with them for so long... and then I started going through them.

My gosh each image I found pulled on my heartstrings so hard all of the memories from these wonderful family moments just came flooding back like it was yesterday. You do not realize how quickly your little ones grow up until you look at their photographs from days gone by and it was then I knew why I had made the time to capture all of these wonderful moments. Photographs really are one of the most important mediums for keeping your memories safe and always accessible.

I cannot wait to have our new albums arrive so that we can sit down with the boys and relive all of the fun times from the past year (or two, but who's really counting lol). Especially when they are filled with images like these.

Sheridan x.

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